

The manual







General statement

A dataware type block can also be used to draw freely.
If the variable associated with the block is 'd', then we will use for that:

draw d 0 0 100 50

The four numerical values \u200b\u200bprovided correspond respectively to the coordinates in millimeters of the left, top, right and bottom edges.

Note that in the case of a drawing, the data contained in the dataware block, saved via the instructions 'dw_bin' 'dw_category' 'dw_value' and 'dw_add' are not used for the graphic representation.

We will now explain the graphic instructions that can be used, which are 'rectangle', 'fill', 'line', 'stroke', 'text', and 'virtual_button'


Fill a rectangle:

rectangle 10 10 30 20 color (color hsl 0 50 50)

The four numerical values \u200b\u200bprovided correspond respectively to the coordinates in millimeters of the left, top, right and bottom edges.

Version with rounded corners:

rectangle 10 10 30 20 color (color hsl 0 50 50) rounded 2

Fill a complex curve:

fill color (color hsl 0 50 50)
    angle 10 10
    through 20 10
    point 15 20 in 5 0 out -5 0

You can specify more than one 'outline' for a single 'fill'.
Each 'outline' represents a closed curve, the points of which can be supplied via one of the three instructions 'angle' 'through' and 'point'.
'angle x y'is equivalent to' point x y tg_in 0 0 tg_out 0 0'
'through x y'is equivalent to' point x y auto_in auto_out '

The options for the 'fill' statement are:


This is the default fill mode.


Use a different fill rule.

See the explanation of the different filling rules on wikipedia

color c

Specifies the fill color.

The options of the 'point' statement are:

in x y

Précise le vecteur tangente à l'entrée du point.

tg_in x y

Same, but the length of the vector will be calculated automatically.


La tangente à l'entrée du point sera calculée automatiquement.

out x y

Précise le vecteur tangente à la sortie du point.

tg_out x y

Same, but the length of the vector will be calculated automatically.


La tangente à la sortie du point sera calculée automatiquement


Draw a simple line:

line 10 10 30 20 color (color hsl 0 50 50)

The first two values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to the horizontal and vertical coordinates of the first point, the last two to those of the second point.

Draw a complex curve:

stroke color (color hsl 0 50 50)
    angle 10 10
    through 20 10
    point 15 20 in 5 0 out -5 0

For a complex curve, you can also use several 'curve' or 'outline' instructions.

The options for the 'stroke' statement are:

width w

Specifies the line thickness.
The default is not a fixed value in millimeters, but is the size of a pixel on the screen, which produces a line that is both very fine and legible.

color c

Specifies the curve color.

The default value of the line thickness in millimeters, i.e. the thickness when the 'stroke' instruction does not specify the 'width' option, can be adjusted for a whole subset of the drawing:

style set "draw/stroke/width" 0.75


Draw text:

text "Hello" translate 30 15

The following options can be used at the level of the 'text' instruction:

font "nom"

Choose the font.
Do not use at this time, because you do not have the option of installing fonts on the Storga server.

translate x y

Translate the text.

scale s 

Text scaling.

scale fx sy

Text scaling is different on each axis. This makes it possible to obtain stretched or condensed text, in height or width.

rotate a

Rotate the text.
The angle must be specified in radians, and works clockwise.

rotate ax ay

Text rotation is different on each axis. This allows the text to be tilted.

color c

Specifies the color of the text.

The alignment of the text depends on the style, which can be adjusted:

style set "draw/text/align/horizontal" 0 # le texte sera centré horizontalement
  text ...

style set "draw/text/align/vertical" 0 # le texte sera centré verticalement
  text ...

style set "draw/text/align/horizontal" 0 set "draw/text/align/vertical" 0 # le texte sera centré horizontalement et verticalement
  text ...

style set "draw/text/align/horizontal" 1 # le texte sera aligné à droite
  text ...


Définir une zone cliquable

In the following example, 'feedback' is the value of 'button_name' which will be activated if you click in the specified rectangular area, and 'Foo' is the message displayed when you pass over this area:

virtual_button 10 10 30 20 "feedback" help "Foo"

Spatial distortion

Apply a spatial transformation to a subset of the drawing:

transform translate 30 15

The following options can be used at the level of the 'transform' instruction:

translate x y

Translate the subset.

scale s

Scaling the subset.

scale sx sy

The scaling of the subset is different on each axis. This allows to obtain a drawing stretched or condensed, in height or in width.

rotate a

Turn the sub assembly.
The angle must be specified in radians, and works clockwise.

rotate ax ay

The rotation of the sub-assembly is different on each axis. This allows the subset to be tilted.