Storga Style Sheets
Warning: the 'Styles' part of Storga is still experimental.
Apply a stylesheet
A style sheet is defined in the 'Styles' part of the settings page of each Storga site.
To apply a style sheet to a Storga page, use the 'Style' control of the 'Page F7' button
To apply a style sheet to a block of the page, for example a form, we use the 'Style' control in the 'Display parameters' part of its properties.
Warning: in the current version of the code, only the form block has the 'Style' field in its properties, but this can be generalized to other types of blocks if necessary.
Defining a style sheet
Folding UI style sheets
Let's start by describing a Folding UI stylesheet (not to be confused with Storga stylesheets).
Unlike web CSS, a Folding UI style sheet is not a set of rules, but the set of parameters that are used to configure the set of graphic elements (button, title, etc.) in their different forms (active , inactive, hovering, etc.).
The syntax of a site key is like this:
graphical_element_type / sub_which_form / what_parameter ...
For example:
button / standard / text / size
▸ Exhaustive list of parameters of a Folding UI style sheet
Folding UI stylesheets features
A Folding UI style sheet allows for a type of element, for example a paragraph, a title or a link or a button, to choose:
The font, its size, its color, as well as the spacing of the text and around the text.
Define a background in the form of a rectangle, possibly with some rounded corners (parameters of type '... / box / ...'). The background can also be composed of two stacked rectangles (shadow effect) or a rectangle coming in reserve of a second (just a border).
The background can be provided as a PNG image, which will be stretched. You can define a zone not to stretch on each of the 4 edges of the image (parameters of type '... / slice / ...').
For tables, there is a first series of parameters which is used to define the background of the table globally, then a second which is used to define the background of standard cells, and finally a third that is used to define the background of title cells (this last series is probably not used by the Storga 'table' block, but is used for the formatting of the Storga 'report' block).
Storga style sheets
For now, a Storga stylesheet includes:
A 'Page format' area which allows you to specify the general alignment of the content, the background color, as well as various content to add to the header and footer.
A 'Titles' area which is not effective for the moment.
An 'Additional UI definitions' field that we will detail below
An 'Additional CSS definitions' field which allows to force the CSS style sheet when Storga is accessed from a Standard web browser.
Structure of the additional UI definition field
Each Storga stylesheet includes a primary Folding UI stylesheet, plus 10 secondary Folding UI stylesheets.
The primary Folding UI stylesheet serves as the default definition for anything not defined in a secondary Folding UI stylesheet.
In particular, the main Folding UI stylesheet defines the standard paragraph block, as well as the general title of the page, but not the subheadings which are defined in secondary Folding UI stylesheets. The explanation for this inconsistency is that Storga uses three levels of subtitles, while a Folding UI stylesheet only defines one.
Secondary UI Folding Style Sheet
Used to define
Level 1 subtitles
Level 2 subtitles
Level 3 subtitles
Paragraphs of type listing.
Inbound and outbound emails.
How? 'Or' What
The comments (Storga block whose icon is a comic book bubble)
The files.
Defines the parameters to use when displaying the left window.
Define the parameters to use when displaying the properties of a block in the window above.
Set the settings to general in organize mode.
Additional UI definitions field syntax
The additional UI definitions field is provided as a series of lines of type key, space, value.
When we want to modify a parameter of one of the secondary Folding UI style sheets, we add at the head of the line the identifier of the style sheet followed by a colon symbol, without separating spaces.
Here are a few examples:
para/text/font noto/NotoSans-Regular
para/text/size 5
title/text/size 20
header1:header/text/font/bold noto/NotoSans-Regular
header1:header/text/color #80A080
button/standard/box/image mycorp/myicon.png
comment:table/header/r1/round 0
comment:table/header/r1/color #FF8040
comment:table/cell/r1/color #FFC080
You will notice that the colors are specified using one of the web notations, namely a hash symbol followed by 6 digits in hexadecimal to define the three components red, green, and blue.
The page must be reloaded at the Storga level for the style sheet changes to be taken into account.
In the previous example, we specified the font 'noto / NotoSans-Regular'.
Warning: In this experimental version, this supposes that we add in the Storga tree structure of the client workstation a file 'pliant_data / pliant / font / noto / NotoSans-Regular.sfd'
This will be changed in the future, and the font will be provided directly via a .ttf file in Storga, but I haven't written the machinery for it yet.
To convert a .ttf font to .sfd, use the 'Fontforge' software
To install it on Debian Weezy, the command is 'apt-get install fontforge'
The conversion can be done in two different ways:
Either we click on the font file to load it into fontforge, then we select File save as,
either we use the following script, which allows to convert a set of fonts via the command './ * .ttf'
Background images for buttons and more
In the previous example, we specified the image 'mycorp / myicon.png'
Warning: In this experimental version, this supposes that we add a file 'pliant_data / pliant / icon / mycorp / myicon.png' in the Storga tree structure of the client workstation
This will also be changed in the future, and the icon will be provided directly via a .png file or photo in Storga, but I haven't written the machinery for it yet.
If you change a font or an icon, as opposed to adding a new one, you have to restart the Storga client for the new version to be taken into account.
Header and footer
Here's how to add a header.
We create a Storga page, with the header. It can for example contain a single file type block, with an SVG graphic file in it (at the file block properties level, select 'offer a link to open / edit: no' and 'Show content: yes').
Next, we select the page, ('Copy URL' icon in edit mode), then paste it in the 'Content added to page header' field of the style sheet.
To change the background color of Storga windows
window/ground_color #C0C0C0
window/left/box/r1/color #FFC0C0
window/top/box/r1/color #C0C0FF
'window / ground_color' is the background color used to start any drawing.
Then each window has a box, which can come over it.
By default, the background window has an empty box, and the others have as mode 1, which means filling the rectange 'r1' only.
So we could have replaced:
window/ground_color #C0C0C0
window/main/box/mode 1
window/main/box/r1/color #C0C0C0
The bullets of the links are not managed by the style sheets: to remove the bullet in front of a link, write 'none' at the level of the 'Puce' property of the link.
Additional CSS definitions field syntax
Modifier la feuille de style CSS générée par Storga
CSS rules define rendering when the client used is a web browser as opposed to the native Storga client.
Each CSS rule is given on a line in the 'Additional CSS web definitions' field of the stylesheet.
For details, refer to the specific CSS documentation available on the web.
Here is an example:
span#import_top p { font-size: 10pt }
span#middle { display: block; width: 500pt; margin-left: 16pt; margin-right: 16pt }
h1 { font-family: Times,serif; font-size: 24pt; font-weight: normal; color: #6060A0; text-align: center }
h2.header1 { font-family: Times,serif; font-size: 18pt; font-weight: normal; color: #6060A0; margin-left: -16pt }
h2.header2 { font-family: Times,serif; font-size: 14pt; font-weight: normal; color: #6060A0; margin-left: -8pt }
h2.header3 { font-family: Times,serif; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: normal; color: #6060A0; margin-left: 0px }
p { font-family: Palatino,serif; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 140%; margin-top: 12pt; margin-bottom: 12pt; text-align: justify }
td { vertical-align: top; padding: 4pt }
table.noborder>tr>td { vertical-align: top; padding: 0pt }
Modifier le code HTML généré par la page Storga
Souvent, pour pouvoir exprimer plus facilement les règles CSS à appliquer, on désire ajouter l'attribut 'id' ou 'span' à certains éléments spécifiques de la page.
Au niveau de tous les blocs Storga qui disposent d'un attribut 'Sous style' (paragraphe, table, champ de saisie, etc), on peut indiquer une valeur sous la forme de deux mots, conformément à la table ci-dessous, qui modifiera le code HTML issu de Storga, en encapsulant l'élément dans un tag <div> ou un tag <span>, avec au choix l'attribut 'id' ou l'attribut 'class'.
Valeur au niveau de l'attribut 'Sous style' du bloc
Ajout au niveau du code HTML généré
di foo
<div id="foo"> .... </div>
dc foo
<div class="foo"> .... </div>
si foo
<span id="foo"> .... </span>
sc foo
<span class="foo"> .... </span>