Create a web page using office tools
General presentation of the process
1) Create the document with an office tool (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Power-point, LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw, Inkscape)
Save it in one of the formats supported by LibreOffice, or in PDF format.
2) Place the document on a Storga page, in the form of a file block (see icon opposite)
In the properties of the file block, select: Suggest a link to open / edit: no Show content: yes and possibly adjust the 'Display scale' parameter
In terms of page properties (see icon opposite), adjust if necessary: Content position: in the center of the screen
A more sophisticated version automatically extends the material from the edge of your document. This can be useful for example if the background of your document is a horizontal or vertical gradient: Content Position: Centered, with Image Edge Spread
You can also choose a solid background color that will be used to fill in what is beyond the limits of the office document provided. For example : Background color: rgb 200 200 200
3) In the contextual menu of the file block, use 'New link' 'New box' and 'Zones' to define hyper-text links or easily editable text zones.
For more information, in the document 'The toolbox: the different types of blocks available to build a document', see the documentation of the 'file' block.
→ The documentation of the 'file' block
↣ The home page of the CJD Montargis-Gâtinais website
↣ OC Regroupement - multiprocess photoengraving in Angoulême