Form for entering a commentHere is the form used to post the comment, as seen by the user viewing the page: as well as its view in detailed organize mode to understand how it is made: Note that in the properties of the 'poster' button, we have set 'Additional action: Refresh the display' because, otherwise, the form created by the 'new_form' instruction will not be visible immediately, as well as 'Can be active in mode: All modes' so that the button can be activated without going into edit mode: In addition, in the properties of the edit control, you must set 'Can be modified in mode: View or edit' as well as 'The control is: By user'. Here is the content of the program: if button_name="poster" This program reads as follows: Finally, here is the detailed organized mode view of the final form, the one which will be copied by the 'new_form' instruction of the program, and which we have designated by 'x / y / z' in the previous program: Unlike the form which is used to post the message, in the final form, for all the fields we set the property 'Can be modified in mode: Never'. |