The 12 things to remember before you start using StorgaThe elements are shown here in summary form in the extreme. Refer to the rest of the documentation if you want more detailed explanations. If you are using a web browser and not a native Storga client, only points 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10 11 and 12 apply to you. 1. ScrollThere are no elevators on the sides of the window; to scroll through the content, press the right mouse button, and move the mouse while keeping the right button pressed. → More details in the article 'The basics of the Storga user interface' 2. Pop-up windowsThere are no popup windows that display in the middle of the screen: they are displayed above the screen, so you have to look up, especially if you have a large screen. 3. Contextual helpContextual help, when you hover over a button, or an input field, is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and not in the form of a bubble just next to the cursor, so you have to look down :-) 4. Session blockedIf the buttons no longer respond, the connection to the server is probably lost. With the web browser: With the native Storga client: 5. SelectionLe texte sélectionné apparaît surligné en rouge foncé. 6. Copy / pasteTo copy, select the text extract with the mouse (or with the keyboard using shift arrows) and nothing else is done: the copy operation is automatic as soon as the text is selected. To delete the selected text, press the 'Delete' key To paste the selected text, place the cursor at the desired location, and press the 'Insert' key 7. Context menuIn edit mode, the contextual menu which allows you to change the attributes of an element, for example to make the selected text bold, appears on a medium gray background in the left window. In the case of a complex document, for example a text in a table itself in a box in another table, then tabs on top of the contextual menu allow you to select the desired working level (text or internal table or external table). The currently selected block as well as the level selected in the contextual menu also determine where the new block will be inserted when in edit mode you click on an icon from the toolbox (icons on a medium blue background). → More details in the article 'Understanding the structure of a Storga document' 8. The blocksWord processing users are accustomed to thinking of a document as a series of letters with newlines. With Storga, a document is made up of a set of blocks. When there is text, it is inside a title block or paragraph block. In fact, with a usual word processor, you can select any part of the text. With Storga, either you select in edit mode text inside a single block, or you select in organize several blocks (paragraphs) mode, but you cannot select text straddling several blocks / paragraphs. In addition, with Storga, you don't have to make a very long paragraph block: you have to use several paragraph blocks one under the other. This is easy to do. Indeed, in edit mode, when you press the enter key, Storga creates a new block automatically, which is why to go to the next paragraph, with Storga you press enter only once, whereas with a processing usual text, you press enter twice. → More details in the article 'Understanding the structure of a Storga document' 9. ModesWhen using Storga, you have to change the mode depending on what you want to do. → More details in the article 'The modes of Storga' 10. ModelsIn edit mode (and in view mode if you activate the 'Templates' option) under the word 'template' in the left part of the window, there are blank cards that can be added to the page (lines preceded by the symbol ⊕), plus the equivalent shortcuts of the bookmarks of a web browser (lines preceded by the symbol →). → More details in the article 'Models' 11. The files and their programsA Storga file is the equivalent of a mini spreadsheet that can be included in the middle of a word processing page. The form contains a certain number of fields which have a name, plus sub tables. → More details in the article 'The sheets and their programs' 12. The statesThe reports are used to automatically list all the records corresponding to certain configurable criteria, to sort them, and possibly to group them. → More details in the article 'The states' |