

The manual






Understanding the structure of a Storga document

Visualize the structure

Unlike a regular word processor, a Storga document is not made up of a long series of characters with lots of newlines, but of a series of blocks.
Let's take as a first example the following very simple document:

This document is made up of three Storga blocks. To view them, let's switch to 'Organize' mode (see icon opposite):

In organize mode, each block is framed by two yellow bars, one above and one below, which allow you to insert other elements before or after the block.
In addition, each block is preceded by an icon corresponding to its nature, here a title block and two paragraph blocks.
Finally, each block is preceded by a box allowing it to be selected.

Let us now take a second example just a little more complex, namely a simplified contact form:

When you switch to organize mode, you have the impression that the file is made up of a single Storga block.
This is linked to the fact that by default, the organize mode only shows the detail of the first level blocks in the page.  


If we switch to the detailed view of organize mode (see icon opposite), we obtain a graphic representation of all the blocks.

The graphic representation can be interpreted as follows:
The contact form is made up of a single block which is a table.
The table contains a single column and two rows.
The top row of the table contains a single paragraph block.
The bottom row of the table contains three input field type blocks.

The yellow bars on the far left allow you to specify before or after the form.
The yellow bars in the middle allow you to specify before or after the table, inside the form.
The 6 bars on the right allow you to specify before or after the paragraph block or the edit control blocks inside the table cells.

Contextual menu

In classic office software, the context menu is the popup window that appears when you right click after selecting an area of \u200b\u200bthe document.

With Storga, the contextual menu is systematically displayed in the form of an area with a medium gray background, in the left part of the screen, when you are in edit mode, and when you click on an element of the document.

In the previous form, suppose I want to change the background color of the table cell in which the word 'Contact' is written.

For that, in edit mode, I click on the C of 'Contact', and in the left part of the window, the context menu appears as a three-leaf tab.
There are in this case three sheets because the word Contact is in a paragraph (level 3) which itself is in a table (level 2), which itself is in a form (level 1).
By default, the internal level is active, so in this case, the contextual menu of the paragraph.

To edit the properties of the table, I will therefore activate the intermediate level, and I will then only have to click on the 'background' property to see the window appear on top allowing you to specify the desired background color for the cell.

Insert elements

Now suppose I want to add a paragraph below the contact form.

I start, in edit mode, by clicking on one of the elements of the form, for example the C of Contact as before.

However, if I click just after on the paragraph block (see icon opposite) in the toolbox of the edit menu (the blocks are the icons on a medium blue background) the new paragraph will be inserted just after (below) the paragraph containing the word 'Contact', inside the cell with a blue background.

So I will start by selecting the form tab from the context menu (level 1 which is the leftmost of the three), then I will click on the paragraph block icon in the toolbox so that the new paragraph is inserted just after the form.

By default, the insert mode just after is active. The following icon allows you to switch to insert mode just before.

Move items

Move text from one paragraph to another

Start by, in edit mode, select the text to move with the mouse.
Warning: all the selected text must be part of a single paragraph.
As a reminder: the selected text is displayed in dark red.

Then click where you want to move the text, then press the 'Insert' key

Finally, reselect the initial text, then press the 'Delete' key

For experienced users, we can do faster:
1) Select the text to move
2) Press the 'Delete' key to delete it. The content of the text is kept in the clipboard.
3) Click on the place where to move the text, and press the 'Insert' key
This only works if you do not make a manipulation error that would empty or change the contents of the clipboard in the meantime.

Move blocks (or paragraphs)

In organize mode, select the blocks (or paragraphs) to move by clicking on the selection box just in front.

If you want to select 5 blocks (or paragraphs) in a row, you can select them all at once. To do this, press the left mouse button above the selection box of the first block, drag the button without releasing it to the top of the last one, and finally let go.

Then, click on the yellow bar corresponding to the place where you want to move the selected blocks. This brings up a window at the top of the screen allowing you to choose the desired move / copy mode.
A shared copy means that the same block is in several places, so later, if you modify one of the copies, the changes will be automatically applied to the other copies.

You can also perform the operation (move, copy, or shared copy) towards the end of a sub page without entering the sub page first, by selecting the test pattern displayed to the right of the sub page link instead of using the yellow bar at the bottom of the sub page.

When you want to move the items to be classified far in the tree structure of the site, it is often more efficient to work with two sessions.
To create a second session, press Ctrl Windows F2,to return to session number 1, press Ctrl F1to go to session number 2, press Ctrl F2.We can then use session 1 to select the elements to be moved, and session 2 to indicate or move them.
Remark n ° 1: When working with two sessions, the display of session 1 is not automatically updated following the operation in session 2. To force the update of the display of a session, press the 'Organize' button in the left menu or the 'F11' key.
Remark n ° 2: if you have a large screen, you can place the two sessions side by side. To do this, press Ctrl Windows Q in session 1 to place it on the left, and Ctrl Windows D in session 2 to place it on the right. To give all the space back to a session, press Ctrl Windows S. See the document 'The Basics of the Storga User Interface' for more details about sessions.

Another alternative to moving items away and efficiently is to link to landing pages in the templates part of the site. You can then use the test charts displayed in the 'models' part of the left menu.
See the document 'Templates, shortcuts and favorites for more explanation of the templates'